Monday, February 15, 2010

Can Herpes Be On Stomach Can You Have Herpes On Your Hands And Stomach?

Can you have herpes on your hands and stomach? - can herpes be on stomach

Lately I've noticed that many of these microscopic flesh-colored patches, bumps all over my body and hands (you can not see if you are not an inch of them, that they are small). There are also some small spots (no stains) well on my penis and arms. I went to the doctor and tried everything in the book and the only positive for herpes simplex-1. The doctor told me not to worry, because 9 out of 10 have. The doctor did not believe that the small bumps in the stomach and herpes handcuffed. Let me absolutely no burning, no itching, etc. What happens?


Rivergir... said...

I do not know what gong. But I am sure that this is not herpes.

It is more common with herpes in the mouth or genitals. It is possible, but rare in part of his body (usually - but still quite rare - on the fingers and eyes.)

In older people, shingles is a common disease caused by the chickenpox virus has caused - which is a type of herpes virus is. But it would be diagnosed as shingles.

Herpes is often painful. The lesions come and go. And they appear in the rule-breaking, flesh-colored small bumps.

Your doctor was right on HSV1 - the most common cause of herpes. 50% and 80% of adults have herpes, but it is almost certainly the cause of the outbreak.

I agree wITH with your doctor. What these eruptions are small, they are probably not herpes. You could have a reaction to the laundry or dander from pets. They can be caused by stress or allergies.

If this does not interfere, and said the doctor, you are not a problem to worry, I wouldnt 'on them.

BOO said...

Herpes is a sexually transmitted infection. It is caused by a virus. It spreads from person to person through physical contact during vaginal, anal and oral.

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